In light of the extradorinaiy events happening all over the globe, there has never been a better time to implement a virtual office strategy for your law firm or business.
TimeNet Law and TimeNet make it incredibly easy to allow your team to work from home. You do not have to purchase extra licenses to run TimeNet Law or TimeNet remotely on additional computers.
We have full instructions for configuring TimeNet Law and TimeNet to work remotely for your firm or business. Whether you’re a solo practitioner or need to coordinate a full team, it’s very easy. Just visit our networking guide and follow the instructions for Cloud Mode:
If you have any questions about deploying TimeNet Law remotely for you and your team, we’re here to help. Just get in touch and we’ll have you up and running in no time.
TimeNet Law 3.2 is now available! This update brings over 40 new features, fixes and improvements. Be sure to check below for all of the release notes.
In light of the extradorinaiy events happening all over the globe, there has never been a better argument for implementing a virtual office strategy at your law firm. TimeNet Law makes it incredibly easy to allow your team to work from home. By leveraging many existing cloud technologies, you can easily configure TimeNet Law to run remotely. You don’t even have to purchase extra licenses to run TimeNet Law from home.
We have full instructions for configuring TimeNet Law to work remotely for your firm. Just visit our networking guide and follow the instructions for Cloud Mode:
If you have any questions about deploying TimeNet Law remotely for you and your team, we’re here to help. Just reply to this email and we’ll have you up and running in no time.
Release Notes
Invoices showing a balance forward now use a much improved condensed statement feature
New Matter Tag field in Matter Settings
New filters let you run reports for specific Matter Groups and Matter Tags
You can now type-to-select a client name or invoice number in Billing Center > Client Statements and Billing Center > Invoices
Client ID is now shown on Trust /Escrow/UAC Report
Database change to provide compatibility with Synology database syncing
Client rate labels can now be customized per client
You can now reissue multiple invoices at once from Billing Center > Invoices
UI Refinements
Loading Totals when first opening TimeNet Law is now much faster
Loading Reports is now much faster
Overall system performance enhancements
Improved performance with shortcut groups containing a large number of shortcuts
Improved performance with Billing Center > Invoices
Improved performance when changing a timekeeper’s rate across all clients and matters
Fixes an issue with changing a timekeeper’s default rate across all clients and matters
Fixes an issue with deleting invoices from Billing Center
Fixes an issue with billing multiple matters on one invoice that include tax charges
Fixes an issue with linking matters together and removing links between matters
Fixes an issue where totals in the main window may not properly refresh
Fixes an issue where Payment Center might not automatically refresh after applying a payment to a matter
Fixes an issue with showing payment history on One Click Billing invoices under certain conditions
Fixes an issue with late fee application
Fixes a rare issue where invoices might not generate under a specific configuration
Fixes an issue where reports printed with date filters sometimes showed the incorrect date on the page header
Fixes an issue where re-issuing an invoice might increment the internal invoice number counter
Fixes a rare rounding issue with joint matters
Fixes an issue with calendar window on light mode
Fixes an issue with importing events from calendar
Fixes an issue with importing clients from contacts
Fixes an issue with re-calculating late fees
Fixes an issue where an unknown error could occur rarely when TimeNet Law was in the background
Fixes an issue where invoices would generate but not create a PDF under rare conditions
TimeNet Law 3.1.1 is now available. This update contains over 25 new features, fixes and improvements!
Release Notes
QuickTimer now has field for notes as well as task
Quick Entries can now be saved as Shortcut Groups
Assign shortcuts to specific timekeepers
Create a list of notes relating to each shortcut
When entering slips, these new Quick Entry shortcuts will auto-complete in the task and notes fields, as well as appear in a popup menu next to the text fields
When starting a timer in the slip editor, the menu bar timer now properly reflects and controls the slip window’s timer
Matters now remember the Notes pane setting – matter notes, or slip notes
Timekeeper Report now remembers if Include Inactive Clients is checked or not
Fixed an issue where matter numbers may not appear on client statements correctly
Fixed an issue where a warning about “multiple timers running” may trigger falsely
Fixed an issue where Smart Rounding might not trigger on a slip after a timer was stopped
Fixed a bug where certain symbols in a client’s code could prevent invoices from opening
Fixed an issue with % discounts on LEDES invoices
Fixed an issue where the Client ID wasn’t showing in the Client Info Window when right-clicking a client’s name and selecting “Show Contact Info”
Fixed an issue where text fields in the Payment Center might become black text on a black background
Improvements to matter saving and auto-saving
Fixed an issue with the Client Report’s Investment column calculation
TimeNet 5 is now available! This update is a complete 64 bit rewrite, built for macOS Catalina and beyond!
TIMENET 5 IS A PAID UPGRADE – you can purchase an upgrade for $29. If you purchased TimeNet 4 on or after April 17th, 2019, you will receive this update free of charge.
Release Notes
Rewritten from the ground up for 64 bit support
Brand new retina UI
Support for Dark Mode
New Invoice Templates
Numerous bug fixes, compatibility improvements, and performance optimizations
The launch of TimeNet Law has been a huge success. Your feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and we are thrilled that you all are enjoying the new update! Today we are releasing TimeNet Law 3.0.1 — this update is a maintenance release incorporating bug fixes and minor improvements to the program based on user feedback.
Release Notes
IMPORTANT NOTE: TimeNet Law 3 requires macOS 10.9 or later
New Features
New button in the Edit Slip window to show Client Contact info, for making a quick call while taking notes
Show/Hide Inactive Clients and Matters toggles are now available when right-clicking in the main window
New option to include or exclude a client from global tax rates
Fixes & Improvements
Fixed UI issues with license code window
Fixed an issue with customizing columns in the Client Report
Fixed an issue where the program would say a timer was already running when it wasn’t
Fixed an issue where the Balance line on invoices would always appear black, regardless of customized color selection
Fixed an issue where some text fields would change entered content to “0”
Fixed a rare rounding issue with joint invoicing
Fixed issues with error messages on certain reports
Fixed an issue where invoices wouldn’t sort by date in some lists
Fixed an issue with task code categories
Fixed UI issues with the main window
Fixed an issue with Payment Center refreshing
Fixed an issue with TimeNet Law Control Center’s Can See Dollar Amounts permission
Fixed an issue with finalizing joint matters
Fixed an issue where the calendar would appear too dark or too light
Fixed an issue with cancelling joint invoices from Billing Center > Invoices
Fixed an issue with One Click Billing not showing all clients
Fixed an issue where changing master matter setting wouldn’t refresh in main window
Fixed an issue where Billing > Invoices wouldn’t show full invoice balance of master matters
Fixed an issue where client categories could be duplicated
Fixed an issue where the main window would load repeatedly
Fixed an issue with hiding billed slips
Fixed an issue with conflict checking
Fixed an issue where loading accounts might lock up the program
Apple has announced that High Sierra, their new version of macOS, will be released on September 25th, 2017. Here’s the compatibility status on all of our products.
TimeNet Law
TimeNet Law 2.9.5 and newer fully compatible.
TimeNet Law 1.0 was officially released in September, 2004. Over the past 13 years, it has been our pleasure to create and continually improve a beautiful, powerful software solution for attorneys wanting to run their law firm on Mac. We want to thank all of you for your continued support. We wouldn’t be here without you!
We just released a new TimeNet Law update — our 115th update, to be exact! We’ve come a long way since 1.0, and there’s still a lot more we want to do.
In order to continue providing you with great new updates and support, new TimeNet Law pricing will begin on September 25th, 2017. This will help us remain sustainable moving forward, and we have some great updates in the pipeline. More on that soon! We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on.
The last time we changed TimeNet Law pricing was over six and a half years ago, on February 15th, 2011. Since then, we’ve released dozens of updates and strived to uphold our standard of delivering excellent support.
We work hard to provide excellent quality and value in all of our products. One way we do this is by offering world-class business software with no monthly fees. We are continuing with our vision — your software is always yours to keep forever.
Our update and support plan policy remains the same:
TimeNet Law is a one-time purchase! We do not charge monthly fees, and you’ll get free updates and priority support for one year. When the year is up, you can renew your license for another year of updates and priority support, or you can continue to use your old version — it’s yours to keep forever.
Any modules purchased for your firm only need to be purchased once, and will be available to all copies of TimeNet Law running on your network.
We will also continue to provide discounts for pro bono law firms, non-profit organizations, and students. Just get in touch!
In order to continue offering great software, great support, and great updates, we need to make sure we remain sustainable. Because we do not want to charge you monthly, we occasionally may need to increase the price of TimeNet Law in accordance with inflation. Computers, internet services, development software, and many other required supplies for the development of TimeNet Law are all more expensive now than they were a year ago.
New Pricing Details
TimeNet Law Basic Package: $299
TimeNet Law Complete Package: $599
TimeNet Law Gold Package: $899
TimeNet Law 2.9.8 is here! This update includes over 70 new features, fixes and refinements! Let’s jump in and take a look at what’s new.
The first thing you’ll notice is many refinements to the user interface, including the main window, Accounts window, Matter window, and Payment Center. This is just a hint of what’s to come, as we gear up for the TimeNet Law 3.0 redesign.
The Payment Center has been redesigned to be cleaner and easier to use. Larger retainer buttons make it easier to see at a glance which accounts have funds in them. And working with payments is easier than ever, because you can now double-click a payment or retainer deposit to see all of its details, and even make edits.
Working with matters is now better than ever. This update includes big performance improvements when opening and saving large matters, and a new toolbar shortcut lets you quickly see and edit the client’s contact information. Select an invoice from the invoices drawer and all slips from that invoice will be darkened so you can easily see which slips are from which invoice.
The Accounts window adds new automatic accounts:
Accounts Receivable
See your law firm’s complete financial picture in one simple view. You can still include client payments in any account as well, so all of your accounting is integrated automatically.
Reports have been improved with an even faster engine, and now all report filter settings are saved between sessions, so when you close a report and re-open it, or any other report, your date, client, and timekeeper filters will be remembered. Report window interfaces have also been improved, and saving and loading presets has been added to a number of other reports. There is also a new Tax Report that lets you easily see how much money in taxes you’ve collected in any given time period. Your accounting just got a whole lot easier.
Invoicing has been improved as well. Design refinements to invoice layouts, new customizable label options, the ability to customize how invoice files are named, and One Click Billing improvements all mean better, more flexible invoicing for your law firm.
There’s lots more to discover. See the complete release notes below!
Release Notes
New Features
Many interface improvements throughout the software
Big performance increase when initially loading large databases
Add Slips > New customizable global keyboard shortcut for Add Slips window
Add Slips > Easily select a client by clicking the word “Client”
Add Slips > New option enable or disable clearing text fields after adding the slip
Quick Entries can now have amount OR time defaults for easy slip blueprinting
Improvements to Late Fee engine
Billing Center now defaults to One Click Billing
Matter Window
Selecting an invoice from the invoices drawer highlights the slips from that invoice
Double-clicking an invoice from the invoices drawer re-issues the invoice
New toolbar button to quickly show client contact info, with shortcut to edit client
Big performance improvements when opening and saving large matters
Big performance improvements when opening matters with lots of notes
Payment Center
New cleaner design
Can now edit payments and deposits by double-clicking them
Performance increase with large clients and matters
Show Inactive Matters option
New Tax Report
Interface improvements for Reports
Reports now remember date and other filter settings between sessions
Payment Received Report and Credit Allocation Report now let you save report presets
New Reset Filters option to quickly reset report filters back to default
Generating Slip Report > Ability to show or hide slip notes
Generating Slip Report > Ability to customize title of report
Slip Report > Hold Option and double-click an entry to edit that slip
Improvements to invoice design
New option to customize “Required Replenishment” label on invoices
New option to customize “Non-Billable Hours” label on invoices
New option to customize “Required Replenishment” label on invoices
One Click Billing now creates condensed statements for matters with no new activity but an outstanding balances
New option to customize how invoice files are named
ABK Payments now show as “Payment from Retainer” on invoices, rather than just “Payment”
New Accounts Receivable account automatically pulls all A/R from clients
New Trust, Escrow and UAC accounts automatically show all retainer activity from clients
“Include Client Payments” option now excludes retainer activity
Retainer activity is shown in the automatic retainer accounts
TimeNet Law Control Center
Improved UI
Lockdown feature to keep open but require password again
Automatic lockdown after 3 minutes of inactivity
Dramatically faster loading of large audit databases
Audit entries are now displayed newest to oldest
Faster sorting
Bug Fixes
Data backup engine improvements
Fixed an issue with retainer replenishment requests
Fixed database issues
Fixed an issue with flat hourly rates and One Click Billing
Fixed an issue where Previous Balances and ABK Payments
Fixed an issue with Client Report Presets failing to save
Fixed an issue with overriding conflicts
Fixed an issue with Revenue Allocation Report calculations
Fixed an issue with printed Revenue Allocation Report header
Fixed an issue with QuickTimer Global Shortcut and certain keys
Bulk Billing > Balance Forward > All Matters > Previous Balance calculation is incorrect
Fixed an isolated issue with reports, late fees, and other calculations showing +/- a few cents
TimeNet Law 2.9.6 is ready to go! This update includes over 75 new features, fixes and enhancements!
We focused on fixing issues, improving stability, and refining the interface in every window to make TimeNet Law easier, faster, and more fun to use. See all the details below.
The new Main Window makes it easier than ever to make new clients and matters, and quickly add slips: The new Matter Window makes important information more clear and concise:
One Click Billing just got even better. Now, matters with no new activity but a remaining balance due will be automatically re-issued alongside your new billing:
Categories can now show their own custom logos, headers, and footers on invoices:
The new QuickTimer makes it easier than ever to quickly start timing a task. The global shortcut lets you create a QuickTimer from any application, and you can even create a new matter right from the QuickTimer window:
New shortcuts make it easy to change settings on the fly:
The Manual found under Help > TimeNet Law Manual has also been overhauled to include more detailed information and make things more concise.
Read on below for the complete release notes.
Full Release Notes
Dozens of refinements and improvements have been made to the interface – cleaner, sleeker, easier
Multi-step processes have been streamlined – new prompts and guides help you get your work done faster
One Click Billing now includes matters that have no new activity, but a previous outstanding balance. Those invoices will automatically be re-issued alongside the new billing
The toolbar in the Main Window has been redesigned to be more intuitive and give you more shortcuts
The toolbar in the Matter Window has been redesigned to be more intuitive and give you more shortcuts
When entering time anywhere in the program, you can now click the Time field/button to quickly switch between entering time in Tenths (1.5 hours) or h : mm : ss (1:30:00)
When entering time anywhere in the program, a new up/down arrow control allows you to quickly adjust your time with just a click
The Menu Bar Widget in the righthand-side of your menubar now has more shortcuts and options
New QuickTimer makes it easier and faster than ever to create a new timer and track your time. A global shortcut creates a new QuickTimer that instantly begins timing your task. Enter the details, select a client and matter, and you’re done. You can even create a new matter right from the QuickTimer window
When editing Timekeeper rates in Preferences, you can select an hourly rate and use the new Set Selected Rate as Default option to set that rate as the default timekeeper rate for all clients and matters
Add Slips window has been improved to be more efficient
You can create a new matter right from the Add Slips window
When doing a draft invoice, you can now quickly finalize the invoice from the same window without having to re-open the Create Invoice window
Client Categories can show custom headers, footers, and logos on invoices
Added a Category filter to all reports so you can easily see totals and amounts for just a specific category of clients
Improvements to Payment Center when working with split billing invoices and payments
Invoices can now be generated in PDF or HTML at your preference
New function in Matter Window to revert all rounded time back to actual unrounded time
New option to allow multiple timers at once (must be enabled in Preferences)
When changing default Timekeeper Rates at the client-level, you can update all existing matters to adopt the new defaults and update any unbilled slips to the new default rate
Country field for clients and parties
QuickSearch now lets you specify Parties as the search scope
You can now import slips from raw text by separating columns with double-commas (,,)
The manual found under the Help menu has been revamped to include more detailed information and make things more concise
Automatic Backup now lets you choose where to save your backups
When changing a party’s name in Matter Settings, any payments previously made by that party will be updated to reflect the party’s new name
Changing a timekeeper hourly rate in global Preferences properly updates all client and matter default rate settings
Fixed an issue when a timekeeper hd multiple rates with the same hourly rate but different labels
Fixed issues with spell checker not loading, not learning new words, or causing repeated error messages
Fixed issue with split billing invoices that charge tax
Fixed issue with applying payments to split billing invoices
Fixed issue where changing split billing payment percentages could erroneously affect previous invoices
Fixed issue where Credit Allocation Report and Payments Received Report wouldn’t sort clients by last name when Sort by Last Name is enabled
Fixed issues with Add Slips window
Fixed issue with PDF page sizing
Fixed issue with Timekeeper Report and filtering by matters with certain characters in their name
Fixed issue with rate One Click Billing bug
Fixed issue with invoices not showing total time if all of the time is set to No Charge
Fixed issue with invoices not always showing the proper currency symbol when set to a foreign currency
Fixed issue with customizing columns in the Client Report
Fixed rare issue with Balance Forward on invoices
Fixed issue where Automatic Bookkeeper sometimes wouldn’t pay off the tax portion of invoices
Fixed issue with Timekeeper Report and Discounts applied to Expenses
Fixed popups that didn’t show clients or parties in alphabetical order
Fixed a rare issue where Matter Trust, Matter Escrow, or Matter UAC sometimes wouldn’t show up in the Credit Allocation Report
Many more fixes and refinements to improve stability and performance