TimeNet Law 1.9.9p is now available. This new version boasts speed improvements across the board, fixes several known issues, adds over a dozen new features. All this, and the Application file size is now almost 60% smaller!
Release Notes
- New Restore Data function in File menu
- Speed improvements through multi-threaded functions and control visibility methods
- Fixed an issue with invoice logos not properly showing up in Networked mode
- Automatic Bookkeeper now only auto-selects Matters with enough Trust/Escrow to pay
- Fixed an issue with Automatic Bookkeeper payments not deducting from trust/escrow in Networked mode
- Earnings Report no longer adds totals from Inactive clients (hold Option while selecting to see with Inactive)
- Matters and client names will no longer re-order themselves randomly in the Main window
- Clients are now added/edited from the Main window, not Preferences (option+double-click a client to edit)
- New View menu – Modify selected client, show Inactive clients and turn on/off columns
- Slip fields have been re-ordered to increase data entry speed
- Keyboard shortcuts for adding new slips to a Matter – found under the Matter menu
- Improvements to file reading/writing
- Command-clicking a checkbox in a listbox now checks/unchecks all checkboxes in that listbox
- Cut file size by almost 60% (was 34MB+, now under 17MB)