Dev Stuff TimeNet Law

TimeNet Law Networking Fix

networkingEvery once in awhile we have gotten reports of people experiencing strange behavior with TimeNet Law in networked mode. Sometimes it’s new users who’ve just started using TimeNet Law, while others have been using it for years and are just now experiencing problems.

The Symptoms
This fix will apply to you if you experience any of the following:

  • In Networked mode creating new clients, new matters and/or making changes is not reflected across the network
  • In Local mode creating new clients, new matters and/or making changes does not seem to “stick” Locally or to other Networked users
  • When changing Preferences (in either mode), quitting and reopening TimeNet Law loses the changes

These issues have kept us scratching our heads for awhile now, but I’m happy to announce that this weekend, with the help of several sharp legal minds (yes, lawyers work on weekends too!), I think we’ve found a fix.

Read further in our Support Forum.