The AppleSource team is gearing up for Apple’s big release of Leopard tomorrow! Time to backup all data and install a drool worthy fresh OSX. I already thought Vista was a bit of a joke compared to the current OSX but with the 300+ additional features such as cover flow, the new spotlight, Ilife and Iwork as well as timemachine…well the list goes on. Check it out for yourself if you already haven’t. Switching over to mac is even more appealing than ever. Go Apple! Also, lets take a look at the current stock market and the vast difference in share value from Microsoft compared to Apple..I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us at the MacExpo. We look forward to making an appearance there this year, meeting lots of people, handing out merch and displaying our newest renditions of TimeNet Pro and Law as well as MOMD and maybe a sneak peek of some other ideas we’ve been throwing around. Maybe we’ll see some of you fellow Mac lovers and Applesource supporters out there!