Recently, we’ve had a number of people tell us that when launching their software the software hangs in an infinite loop requiring a force quit (and thereby rendering the software unusable). We’ve only had reports of this happening on TimeNet Law, but TimeNet and MOMD could be effected too.
I’m pleased to announce that earlier today we figured out why this happens, and have already resolved the issue in TimeNet Law. Turns out it was caused by the Auto Update function used in our software, which tries to contact the AppleSource server upon launch to verify that the software you have is the most current version.
In addition to this fix, TimeNet Law has seen a slight interface overhaul, new calendar buttons, and improved control layout. 1.9.9g can be downloaded here.
We will be applying this fix to MOMD with a 1.7.1 release tomorrow morning, and will of course be applying it to the 4.0 release of TimeNet due out in the next few weeks.
This issue has cut down on TimeNet development time for today, but now that it is resolved, tomorrow can go full-speed-ahead on the TimeNet 4 update.
Check the blog tomorrow night or Thursday morning for sneak peak screenshots and some details on TimeNet 4.0 – it’s coming along swimmingly!