This phone has allowed me to respond to technical support dispatches within minutes. It lets me view sales and track web traffic while I hike in the park. Get on iChat in the grocery store. And it keeps my mobile calendar synced to iCal. The iPhone lets me see a quick snap of my living room any time to make sure my pup is being good. It lets me view any file on my computer at home while I’m across the state. It is truly my mobile office in my pocket. This thing amazes me every day.
And it’s a phone! A nice one… the call quality is amazing, and the interface for your contacts, SMS texts, and visual voicemail is so refreshing from any other phone I’ve ever used. It’s just a home run. The iPhone allows me to do a lot of things. Like, post to my Developer Blog from the Waterfront downtown while I stare at the boats and enjoy the night air. I may be somewhere else, but I’m always right here.